Copyright and License


Creative Common and Licensing

The Brazilian Journal of Public Security uses the Creative Commons License as a form of licensing for its published works. The license used follows the CC BY 4.0 - Attribution 4.0 International model.

To consult the rights allowed see the complete license 

You have the right to:

Share - copy and redistribute the material
Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material
Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You must do so in any reasonable circumstance, but in no way that suggests that the licensor endorses you or your use.

Statement of Responsibility

When submitting the text, the author must sign the declaration of responsibility, available in the system itself. In it, the author must agree with the following statements:

a) I attest that, if requested, I will provide or cooperate in obtaining and providing data on which the article is being based, for examination by the editors;

b) I certify that all authors have participated sufficiently in the work to make public their responsibility for the content.

In the case of papers with more than one author, the statement should specify the type(s) of participation of each author, as exemplified below:

(a) Contributed substantially to the design and planning of the project, obtaining data, or analyzing and interpreting the data;

b) I contributed significantly to the preparation of the draft or critical review of the content;

c) I participated in the approval of the final version of the manuscript.

Copyright Transfer

In case of approval of the article for publication, the authors must sign the declaration of copyright transfer and submit it, via the system, as well as other documents. In this declaration, the author should expressly state that:

Declares that they agree that the copyrights pertaining to it will become the exclusive property of Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública and assures that the referred work has not been published previously and is not being considered by another scientific publication.