Facial recognition and public safety

how to ensure the protection of personal data and avoid the risks of technology





Public security, Real-time facial recognition, Risks, Data protection, Bias in the algorithm


This article analyzed the use of surveillance cameras with automated and live facial recognition (FR) technology for data processing within the scope of public security. RF tools are increasingly being used to assist police activities, so it is essential to analyze the minimum parameters for legitimate use of the technology. Through reading doctrines, legislation, case reports and recommendations from personal data protection authorities, this study sought to understand the functioning of the FR and map the principles to be observed to mitigate damage in the use of FR in public security. The Directive 2016/680 of the European Union and the principles listed therein are relevant directions for a possible Brazilian regulation of the use of data in the scope of public security. Finally, the main risks of the misuse of the FR and the damage already caused were stressed so that Brazilian legislation can pay attention to these errors.


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Author Biography

Eduarda Costa Almeida, Universidade de Brasília

Estudante de direito da UnB, pesquisadora do LAPIN, pesquisadora do Observatório da LGPD/UnB e CEDIS/IDP.


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How to Cite

ALMEIDA, Eduarda Costa. Facial recognition and public safety: how to ensure the protection of personal data and avoid the risks of technology. Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 2, p. 264–283, 2022. DOI: 10.31060/rbsp.2022.v16.n2.1377. Disponível em: https://revista.forumseguranca.org.br/index.php/rbsp/article/view/1377. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.