Reviewers guideline

Our reviewers perform an extremely important job, since they evaluate the quality of an article to be published. This is an essential activity to guarantee the originality of the articles submitted into the Journal and to measure the contribution of the study for the research area, following the most rigorous methods of the academic prescription, especially those relate to present trustworthy information about the object of analysis.

It is the Journal reviewers’ responsibilities: (a) evaluate the article by following the period stipulated by the editor; (b) keep the text under secrecy evaluation until the publication or eventual refusal by the Journal; (c) answer to the submitted notifications by the Journal; (d) keep the contact information properly updated. This Journal elucidates it is necessary to have a doctoral degree or to be a doctorate student to integrate the Journal reviewers’ team, respecting the titling hierarchy during evaluations.

It is a volunteer work, so this Journal does not provide any financial aid for those who perform the evaluation. At the end of the evaluation process, the Journal reviewers receive a certificate for the performed activities.

Registration of Reviewers

The Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública welcomes the participation of external reviewers to the editorial team and editing entity. To be part of the bank of reviewers of our journal, please register through our system as a reviewer