Regular editorial process

The editorial flow of the Journal it is composed by six stages:

Stage 1The article it is accepted by the editorial team and sent to the editorial commission to verified any kind of plagiarism through a free software, as well as the verification of the article with the editorial politics, Ethical Code and submissions rules. This stage lasts up to 30 days. If the article has been approved in this first stage, it will be sent to evaluators who has knowledge about the subject.   

Stage 2: The article it is sent for two evaluators, invited by the editor, who demonstrate the required expertise for peer review. Each evaluator has 60 days to verified if the article follows the editorial politics, the methodology-theorical adequacy and contribution of the article for the literature review on public safety. The evaluators should: (a) indicate the publication of the article without revision by the author; (b) indicate the publication, but revisions should be made by the author; (c) indicate another submission for evaluation after the author review the modifications suggested; or (d) reject the article for publication. 

Stage 3: Article review. The evaluation is sent to the authors for required modifications within 45 days. The Journal may reject the article if the author does not send the updated version with the modifications suggested by the evaluators. 

Stage 4: Article accepted to publication. The updated text is sent to editors to confirm if the suggested modifications have been made and embedded in the article, which authorize the publication in the next edition of the Journal. If the article has been classified to be sent, one more time, for evaluation, it will be forwarded for the evaluators, that will verify if the changes were made. Any modification can be required in this stage, what means that the article will return to the author for a new update, within 60 days. The editors may reject the article that do not follow the modifications suggestions.

Stage 5: Publication review. The editors sent the article for a grammar and orthography review and sent it to the authors approval before the publication. If the author does not respond to the revisors suggestions, all those suggestions will be considered accepted. This review will ensure the formal quality and understandability of the articles linked to this Journal. The editorial commission may not publish the articles that do not follow the review suggestions without a reasonable justification. 

Stage 6: Publication of the article in the Journal website.

With these stages, we hope that all the process between the submission and the publication last 18 meses.