Editorial guideline

The Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública publishes scientific articles, interviews, technical notes and thematic dossiers about public safety. Aiming the interdisciplinarity, the Journal also accept papers of anthropology, economics, history, sociology and others areas of social science and applied social sciences that discuss about public safety. We expect the articles to be critical, with new perspectives and approaches. 

Linked with the Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública, non-governmental entity, non-partisan and non-profit, the Revista Brasileira de Segurança Públicait is composed by an autonomous Editorial Council, that manages it and aim an academic excellence. 

Achieving to suit the Journal to the Qualis Criteria of the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes), the editorial policy has been changed. The Journal:

  • Evaluate the articles through the Double-Blind Peer Review system. This mechanism ensures the evaluator exemption and support the evaluation to quality criteria of the academic community;
  • Guarantee anonymity to the author and evaluators in the editorial process flow, regulated by our Ethical Code;
  • Emphasizes articles written by authors that are linked in institutions beyond the state of São Paulo, aiming the exogeneity;
  • Half-yearly publications, since 2009;
  • All the content is free to public. The editions, since 2007, are available in the Journal website;
  • Messages sent by the editors, in the submissions, that are not answered in 30 days by the authors, will be excluded from the Journal system;
  • The deadline to the first evaluation is 80 (eighty) days

  • The respective publication takes about 18 (eighteen) months to be published.