Safety Measure

profile of patients admitted in a psychiatric hospital interior of São Paulo state


  • Ricardo Gonçalves Vaz de Oliveira Instituto Municipal Matonense de Ensino Superior
  • Bruna Tássia Souza Nakayama
  • Emanuele Seicenti de Brito
  • Fabiana Vieira de Sousa
  • Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura



Mental disorders, Safety measures, Psychiatric hospitalizations


Profile of Persons with Mental Disorders Authors of Crimes Insured in a Psychiatric Hospital of the Interior of São Paulo In the Brazilian criminal justice system, people who practice behaviors defined as crimes and have your understanding capacity of reality reduced due to mental disorders are classified as not imputable from punishment for which there is not worth it. Therefore, the individual is acquitted and submitted to the security measure, a measure of predominantly preventive character, which is based on the term dangerousness and not on the culpability of the agent. Within this context, this descriptive documentary research, which seeks, through the analysis of medical records, to understand who are the individuals hospitalized as a result of security measures in a public psychiatric hospital located in the Municipality of Ribeirão Preto. Among the results that have attracted attention are the prevalence, among the internees, of diagnoses of use of substances that cause addiction, the large number of disinternations without the performance of a report of dangerousness, as well as the predominance of individuals with low income and educational level. In this way the results point to the existence of problems that go beyond the knowledge produced by the health sciences or law, and the challenge of joining efforts among the different sectors in search of public policies that can guarantee that a more humanized assistance to people with mental disorders that have committed some kind of crime.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, Ricardo Gonçalves Vaz de; TÁSSIA SOUZA NAKAYAMA, Bruna; SEICENTI DE BRITO, Emanuele; VIEIRA DE SOUSA, Fabiana; APARECIDA ARENA VENTURA, Carla. Safety Measure: profile of patients admitted in a psychiatric hospital interior of São Paulo state. Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública, [S. l.], v. 14, n. 2, p. 210–223, 2020. DOI: 10.31060/rbsp.2020.v14.n2.1060. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.