Conflicts in undergraduate trainning

the experience of civil-military coexistence in the on line Technologist Course in Public and Social Security at the Fluminense Federal University




University undergraduate training in criminal justice, Civil-military hierarchies coexistence at the University, Conflict Management Processes


This text identifies and discusses the moralities and conflicts arising from the training of professionals in public security careers in the on line Technologist Course in Public and Social Security (criminal justice) learning modality at the Universidade Federal Fluminense. The argument is developed from the authors' ethnographic experience in the creation and coordination of the course and in the management of academic conflicts that arose in the course of its development. The observations were carried out in the first years of the course, from 2013 to 2018. The reflection suggests that the students' estrangement with the University demonstrates the discontinuities of civil-military coexistence, but also allows us to understand the demands for an egalitarian treatment by public security agents inculcated with an excluding hierarchy in their own professional institutions.

Thus, it is not enough to socialize students in republican and democratic rules for them to assume the pedagogical posture of reproducing them in the treatment of citizens who demand their services, but it is necessary that these efforts be accompanied by transformations in the core structures of the public security system's institutions.


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Author Biographies

Roberto Kant de Lima, Federal Fluminense University - UFF

Ph.D. in Anthropology (Harvard University; Our State Scientist/Research Support Rio de Janeiro Foundation (FAPERJ); Brazilian National Research Council researcher 1-A (CNPQ); Professor, Graduate Program in Anthropology and Masters Program in Justice and Security at Universidade Federal Fluminense; Professor, Graduate Program in Law, Veiga de Almeida University; Coordinator, National Institute of Science and Technology - Institute for Comparative Research on Comparative Management of Conflicts (INCT-InEAC -

Pedro Heitor Barros Geraldo, Federal Fluminense University

Ph. D. in Political Science (Montpellier University, France); Our State Young Scientist/FAPERJ; Productivity Researcher 2 at Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq); Adjunct Professor at Public Security Department, Master Program in Justice and Security, Ph.D. Program in Law and Society at Federal Fluminense University (UFF); Researcher at National Institute of Science and Technology - Institute for the Comparative Research on Management of Conflicts.


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How to Cite

KANT DE LIMA, Roberto; HEITOR BARROS GERALDO, Pedro. Conflicts in undergraduate trainning: the experience of civil-military coexistence in the on line Technologist Course in Public and Social Security at the Fluminense Federal University. Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 1, p. 30–49, 2022. DOI: 10.31060/rbsp.2022.v16.n1.1505. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



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