Ethical Code

Code of Ethics of Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública

All the editorial staff, authors and reviewers, must comply with the Code of Ethics of RBSP.

Ethical Standards for Research and Publication in the Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública

By adopting and promoting ethical research standards in the evaluation of submitted texts, the Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública reaffirms its commitment not only to academic excellence, but also to protecting the rights and well-being of participants involved in research. Our approach aims to ensure ethical compliance and reflects the shared responsibility of authors, reviewers and editors in building an academic environment of integrity and trust. We emphasize that by submitting their work to the Journal, authors agree to comply with these ethical standards, and transparency is fundamental to strengthening the credibility of the submitted text and ensuring the trust of our readers, reviewers and collaborators.

In addition, we encourage authors to incorporate, whenever possible, additional ethical statements in their texts, providing a comprehensive overview of the practices adopted to safeguard the integrity of the research. These statements can include information on methods for obtaining informed consent, procedures for protecting sensitive data and details of the ethical approval received. Below are some key points that authors should take into consideration if they intend to submit their texts to RBSP, especially when conducting their research:

1) Informed Consent:

    • The RBSP recommends that authors submitting their texts to the Journal have the approval of the Research Ethics Committee, through the CAAE, but it is mandatory to inform in the text how the consent of all participants involved in the research that gave rise to the submitted text was obtained, ensuring adequate understanding of the nature and purpose of the study.

                   a. The protection of vulnerable people:

                   Studies involving vulnerable participants, such as minors, require informed consent from

                  consent of parents or legal guardians.

2) Anonymous treatment of participants:

  • The Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública (RBSP) reinforces the importance of the anonymity of the participants in the research that gave rise to the published texts as a fundamental ethical norm. Authors are advised to adopt measures that guarantee the confidentiality and protection of the identity of those involved in their research texts.
  • When submitting manuscripts, it is recommended that authors explain the strategies implemented to ensure anonymity, either by removing identifying information or by using secure codes that link the data.

3) Alternative Approach - Conscious and Agreed Participation with Participants and Ethics Committee Evaluations

RBSP recognizes that ethical practices in research go beyond external evaluation. We understand and value the importance of the conscious and agreed participation of those involved in the studies published by the journal.

  • Therefore, we do not make approval by Research Ethics Committees mandatory. Instead, we encourage authors to robustly demonstrate how ethical procedures have been discussed, agreed and consented to directly with participants.
  • We would like to point out that if the authors have chosen to submit the research to an Ethics Committee, RBSP is open to making the information related to this process available on its website. Thus, we value transparency and diversity of ethical approaches, recognizing that different research contexts may require different strategies to ensure integrity and respect the rights of participants.

4) Ethical review:

  • The journal reserves the right to request evidence that ethical procedures have been respected for all studies involving human beings. The editors and/or reviewers may ask the authors about specific ethical aspects during the review process, which may include everything from approval by the Research Ethics Committee to the storage of information and the procedures adopted to guarantee anonymity.
  • Treatment of Misconduct and Rectification of Errors:
  1. In the event of suspected misconduct, the editors will follow RBSP guidelines, seeking answers from the authors involved and triggering appropriate investigations.
  2. Errors, inaccuracies or misleading statements must be corrected promptly and highlighted appropriately to maintain the integrity of the academic record.
  3. If the authors do not provide the information requested and/or do not respond diligently to questions about ethical procedures, RBSP reserves the right not to publish the study.

- The contribution of the authors should be forwarded to the Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública, highlighting how the co-authors collaborated in the writing and/or research.

Authors are those who made an intellectual contribution to the research process and to the writing of the submitted paper. Coauthors will be considered to have made an academic contribution in at least two of the following areas: research conception and design, data collection, processing, interpretation, and analysis, and participation in the writing of parts of the text.

Unpublished and originality
- The submitted text must be unpublished, and the author is responsible for ensuring that the manuscript is not being reviewed by any other journal or has been published previously;
- If the article has been the result of a previous text, this information must be clearly arranged and must be expressly informed to the editor;
- It is assumed that the data is truthful, following research methodologies;
- Copying and manipulation of information is not accepted. To avoid them, the editors submit the texts to an anti-copy software before being sent to the referees;
- If there are cases of copying, the authors will be warned and the text will not be forwarded to referees. In addition, the author will be prohibited from making a new submission to the system for a period of two years;
- If the copy is verified only at the publication stage, the accepted text will be rejected;
- If the copy is verified after the article has been published, the journal will retract the article, apologizing for the mistake and removing the work from the RBSP database.

Errors and corrections
- The authors are responsible for notifying Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública in case there is an error in the publication for subsequent correction;
- Authors who incur in errors should write a letter of retraction, clearly stating what the problem was and apologizing to the academic community for the mistake.

- During the evaluation process, referees should not discuss the article under their responsibility with other people, in order to preserve the originality of the text;

- Referees who incur in any practice that violates the "blind peer review" rule will be excluded from the RBSP system;

- The editors commit themselves not to divulge any information during the article evaluation process, nor to cite the evaluated works before their definitive publication.

Conflicts of interest

Due to the risk to authors, reviewers and editors, the possibility of conflicts of interest, whether of a personal, financial, intellectual, professional, political or religious nature are carefully dealt with throughout the RBSP editorial flow.

- When existing, the authors of submitted manuscripts should mention the possible conflicts of interest present, whether by conflicts between authors, and or public and private entities.

- All issues associated with financial conflicts must be mentioned, including sources of funding for the research;

- The texts are evaluated using a double-blind mechanism, which allows for transparency and impartiality in the evaluation and avoids possible conflicts of interest. However, if the evaluator recognizes the authors or the institution, the editorial team of the journal should be contacted to verify the possibility of maintaining the impartiality prized in our evaluation process.

- If there are doubts about ethical issues related to the possible publication, please contact RBSP, at, so that the question can be answered;

Research ethics
- The methodology applied, as well as the respect for human rights, must have been preserved during the entire writing process of the submitted manuscript and also during its analysis;
- The data used in the publication must be made available whenever the referees so request, or whenever the editors judge that these data are necessary to check the adequacy of the analysis.

- Authors must ensure that throughout the conduct of the research that gave rise to the work, the ethical principles, the legal requirements in force in the country and the terms agreed with the research participants were considered, performing all the necessary care with these subjects and the scientific community. Documentation and clarifications regarding research ethics may be requested by RBSP whenever deemed pertinent.

Ethics at RBSP

Complaints addressed to RBSP should be forwarded by e-mail to, so that measures can be taken to resolve the issue.

RBSP is responsible for evaluating the document based on its academic merit, based on a double-blind policy, without considering issues such as gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religious belief, etc. The evaluation process is thus carried out fairly and anonymously.

RBSP does not charge any fee for the article to be published, with the main objective of transparency and contribution to the debate on the theme of Public Security, as well as the open access policy.

Privacy Policy
The names and addresses informed in this Journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

Similarity detection 

All papers submitted to the editorial flow of the Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública are submitted to similarity detection.

Our process consists of using a tool called CopySpider, which tests documents for evidence of improper copies of previously published works available on the internet.

After going through the evaluation of the tool explained above, if there is an indication of risk greater than 5% of unreferenced copy, the members of the editorial team are triggered to check all items indicated by the system. If the existence of great similarity between the text submitted and other works is verified, the author is notified with the respective reports, made by the Copyspider system and by the editorial team of the journal.

We would like to point out that during the editorial flow, the evaluators of the text/editorial team may check for plagiarism, if they feel it is necessary.

Thus, it is clarified that the text sent to RBSP has undue copies when it adapts or transcribes excerpts from other documents without presenting conformity to the norms of citation of bibliographic references, as described in the rules of submission.


The entire editorial team, authors and reviewers, must comply with the RBSP Code of Ethics. In addition, there are specific responsibilities of each position, which must be fulfilled and are described below.

                Editor's responsibility

The editor is responsible for the scientific documentation and dissemination of knowledge, activities related to the editorial process. In addition, the editor is responsible for checking that the submitted articles are in accordance with the editorial norms and editorial policy, respecting the RBSP scope. Furthermore, the editor is responsible for the equal treatment of submitted works, with protection of intellectual property, of the authors' rights and respect for the Code of Ethics.

                  Assistant Editor's responsibilities

The Assistant Editor is responsible for assisting the Editor's activities, as well as assisting in the editorial production of the Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública.

                  Editorial Assistants' Responsibility

The editorial assistants collaborate in the editing of the journal, as well as in the administrative process of evaluation. Support for the editors and the assistant editors is also part of the required functions.

                  Responsibility of the Editorial Board

The editorial board should contribute to the formulation of the journal's editorial policy, which includes the selection of assistant editors, the appointment of referees and the organization of dossiers, which may contribute to the greater recognition of RBSP among peers.

                 Author's Responsibility

It is the author's responsibility to answer the messages sent by the editor, to yield the data used in the publication, in case it is requested by reviewers, to inform about his/her participation in the elaboration of the text and also to retract in case there is any mistake in the analysis sent to RBSP.

                 Evaluators' responsibilities

The quality of the articles published in the RBSP is guaranteed by the peer reviewing made in a judicious and professional way by the reviewers registered in our database. Thus, the reviewers' responsibilities are: keeping the contact updated in RBSP's system; answering the messages sent by the publishers (including indicating the non-availability for review); rigor in reviewing the text sent; confidentiality of the reviewed material while it is not published; sending the review within the deadline stipulated by the Journal, so as not to delay the editorial flow. Thus, the reviewers should value ethical conduct and prompt response to messages sent by the editors.