Social gaps in the combat against gender-based violence
Gender violence, Sociocultural factors, Social gapsAbstract
There is a large number of caipains intending to prevent and avoid the gender violence. It is spread, in the most varied advertising and social media, what caracterizes the violence and encourages to report it to the authorities. However, it is questioned if only these actions and the creation of criminal laws are enough to restrain this kind of violence. Therefore, the present paper aims to unsdertand the historical and sociocultural factors that make the women herself accept the violence against her and contribute, although involuntarily, to perpetuate this culture, as well it analyzes the paper of the main institutions that mold and direct the society in the articulation of action to transform this reality. In a nut shell, it objects to find and explain the social gaps that make that the fight agaisnt the gender violence doesn't get an effective implementation.
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