On limits and possibilities of civil society participation in public security policy – Pacto Pela Vida
Participation, Pacto pela Vida, PernambucoAbstract
This study proposes to analyze - with the use of the qualitative methodology - some implications of the public policy of security Pacto Pela Vida (PPV) promoted by the Government of the State of Pernambuco between 2007 and 2016, verifying how this policy was constructed with the social participation from the formulation of the strategies to their execution. What stimulated us to reflect on this theme was the presence in the spaces of participation of organized civil society during the construction of the PPV. The cases of the Pernambuco Security Forum, the State Plan for Public Security, Technical Chambers and the Management Council were considered. In this work, we analyze the interaction and negotiation of the actors of organized civil society with the institutional actors in charge of the development of this security policy and the social sustainability of the plan. The results of this research were confronted with four other similar studies that were carried out in Recife (Ratton, 2014, 2016); in Rio de Janeiro (Paes, 2010) and in São Paulo (Sinhoretto, 2010). The data of this research were collected as part of a national survey carried out in three Brazilian capitals: Recife, Belo Horizonte and São Paulo (Antunes, Sinhoretto, Ratton, 2016).
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