Descriptive and comparative analysis of forensic ballistic laboratories in brazilian midwest

aspects of infrastructure and management


  • Meiriane da Penha de Oliveira Sousa Scientific Technical Police - Goiás, Brazil
  • Thiago Henrique Costa Silva Superintendence of the Technical Scientific Police of the State of Goiás
  • Joicy Ferreira de Queiroz Scientific Technical Police - Goiás, Brazil



Criminal expertise, Infrastructure, Microballistic confrontation, Productivity, Management tools


In Brazil, crimes against life are mostly committed with firearms. Thus, the skills of Forensic Ballistics become essential for the elucidation of crimes. The objective of this work is to analyze the reality of Forensic Ballistics laboratories in the Brazilian Midwest region. To do this study, a descriptive and qualitative analysis, about the infrastructure and management of the laboratories, was carried out, specifically regarding the microballistic confrontation tests, through the application of a questionnaire to the laboratory’s representatives. Among the six laboratories surveyed, it was found that: all use pattern collection devices described in the literature; in all laboratories there is at least one Leica comparator microscope; and half of them use Evofinder® electronic comparison equipment. The overall productivity of laboratories in performing microballistic tests, calculated on the basis of the ratio between completed tests and requested tests, ranged from 66.7% (Campo Grande/MS) to 136.7% (Goiânia/GO). As for management, a criminal expert coordinates five of the six laboratories. Of these, four claimed to use some productivity monitoring tool, however, only one uses specific management tools in their routine. It is concluded that there is a need for greater investments in forensic ballistics laboratories, especially in personnel and management tools, in order to improve the results provided to the population.


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Author Biographies

Meiriane da Penha de Oliveira Sousa, Scientific Technical Police - Goiás, Brazil

Bachelor in Food Engineering from the Federal University of Goiás (2008) and specialist in Public Security Management from the State University of Goiás (2021). She has been a Criminal Expert of the Technical Scientific Police of the State of Goiás since 2016, working as an expert with the Forensic Ballistics Section.

Thiago Henrique Costa Silva, Superintendence of the Technical Scientific Police of the State of Goiás

PhD student in Agribusiness at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). Master in Agrarian Law and Bachelor in Law from UFG. Specialist in Public Law from Uni-Goiás and in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure from the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul (USCS). MBA in Accounting Expertise from USCS. Professor and researcher in Constitutional Law and Public Policies at the State University of Goiás, also working at the Higher School of the Civil Police of the State of Goiás, at the Military Police Academy of Goiás, at the Teaching Management of the Technical-Scientific Police of the State of Goiás and the Government School of Goiás. Criminal Expert of the State of Goiás since 2016, currently working at crime scenes.

Joicy Ferreira de Queiroz, Scientific Technical Police - Goiás, Brazil

Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Brasília (2006), Master's degree in Medical Sciences from the University of Brasília (2008), specialist in Forensic Sciences from LS College (2016) and specialist in Criminalistics Applied to Crime Sites by ANP / SENASP / PF (2021). She has been a Criminal Expert of the Technical Scientific Police of the State of Goiás since 2010, working as a crime scene expert and with the Forensic Ballistics Section. She teaches subjects related to Criminal Forensics in postgraduate courses, with emphasis on Forensic Entomology, Forensic Ballistics, Forensic Medicine and aspects of Law related to Criminal Forensics.


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How to Cite

SOUSA, Meiriane da Penha de Oliveira; SILVA, Thiago Henrique Costa; QUEIROZ, Joicy Ferreira de. Descriptive and comparative analysis of forensic ballistic laboratories in brazilian midwest: aspects of infrastructure and management. Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 2, p. 312–331, 2023. DOI: 10.31060/rbsp.2023.v17.n2.1676. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.