Frequently Asked Questions

Dear readers and authors,

The RBSP makes available in its website all the necessary information for the process of publication and evaluation of texts. However, due to the large amount of information regarding the process, we understand that many times, the editorial issues involved in the publication may generate doubts on the part of authors, reviewers and others involved in the process.

In order to clarify these questions and improve the understanding about the editorial processes of the journal, we present below some relevant information that may be useful for all those who are involved in this process. This page will be under constant construction and will address the questions that we receive most via email and social networks.

Furthermore, we would like to ask everyone to contact the technical team of the journal through the email mentioned below, for any general questions or technical problems related to the system. In order to speed up the process, we ask you to avoid sending questions about submissions, publication time/forecast and files to the email of the journal's Editor-in-Chief, as these questions can be sent to the general email ( and will be answered more quickly by the technical team.

We also emphasize that the sending of files throughout the editorial flow must be done exclusively through the system, except in cases in which it presents instabilities. If the issue requires the editor-in-chief's attention, we request that both technical assistants be included in the copy for greater agility in solving problems.

We thank you for your attention and are at your disposal for any further clarifications.

Main Contact:

Technical Assistant Contact:

Caio Morais:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Calls for papers and Continuous Flow

RBSP is a continuous flow journal. Thus, it is possible to submit papers for publication at any time during the year. We emphasize that it is not necessary to wait for calls for publication if you wish to submit your work to RBSP's regular flow.

Calls for papers occur when the journal decides to hold special issues or dossiers. In these specific cases, calls for papers will be published in the main page of our website, as well as in our social networks. The schedule and information regarding dossiers and special issues will be announced along with other pertinent information such as theme, organizers, guest editor, among others.

For more information see the Editorial Flow tab, located at the top of our site.

Proposals for Dossiers and Special Issues

We inform you that there is no call for papers for this purpose. Thus, proposals can be submitted via e-mail, containing the pertinent information described below. After receiving your proposal, our team will discuss the possibility of carrying it out in a team meeting and the final decision will be communicated to the proponent as soon as possible.

1 - Brief description of the theme to be addressed and its relevance for publication in RBSP;

2 - The organizing team, including full name, email, Lattes/Orcid and affiliated institution of each of the participants;

3 - Definition of an Editor-in-Chief who will be responsible for the editorial flow of the texts.

Transfer of copyrights

We inform that the declaration of transfer and copyrights will be sent to the authors and responsible for the text only in case of approval of the article for publication. After a favorable editorial decision, the authors will be notified and will receive the document for signature. It is important to note that the declaration of copyright transfer must be signed by the authors and submitted via the system, along with other necessary documents. This step is part of the publication process and is essential to ensure copyright integrity and compliance with the journal's editorial policies.

Statement of Responsibility

Please be advised that the disclaimer is accepted during the text submission itself; by selecting that you agree to abide by the terms at the end of filling out the home page. The terms that make up the statement are indicated on this same page, and it is not necessary to send a separate file to the journal's staff.


In order to comply with the RBSP publication guidelines, we request that all authors of the text register on the Orcid platform and authenticate their users through the journal's system. Authentication is mandatory for the text to be published.

When filling in the data of the authors and co-authors the Orcid linking option will appear next to the Complementary Data field. We call your attention to the fact that the Orcid is not inserted in this tab, because the authentication is done through the link that directs to the Orcid page itself.

If the Orcid is not registered during the submission process, the technical team of the journal will contact you via system/email to request authentication.

The following message will be sent:


You have been listed as an author on submission of manuscript "XXX" to Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública.

Please allow us to add your ORCID ID to this submission and also add it to your ORCID profile in the publication. Visit the link to the official ORCID site, log in with your profile and authorize access by following the instructions. Register or connect your ORCID ID

More about ORCID in Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública

Please note that the registration link expires after a certain period of time. Therefore, if you see a message saying that the link is expired, please contact our technical team via system/email to send a new link.

If you have any questions about the authentication process, please contact our technical team at the aforementioned emails.

Proofreading/ Corrections to referees' indications

We would like to inform you that, when making revisions, the updated files must be sent in the system, by opening the submission, clicking on Send file, in the Revisions section, and email submissions will not be accepted. Before sending them back to the editorial evaluation process, it is necessary to highlight the changes made using Word's correction marker. In this way, it is important that the changes are indicated in the text, showing both the original and the changed parts.

We recommend that you use the Word correction marker when making the desired changes. In addition, it is critical that all corrections be highlighted in the body of the text, specifying what was changed, how it was originally written, and what change was made.

The following are examples to better illustrate the issue of corrections. As shown to the right, the word "violence" has been deleted and replaced by "crime", marked in red in the body of the text. We therefore ask that the changes be returned to the system following this pattern.




Often we receive changes that are only described in comments, without the "before and after" markings of the changes made. It is important to note that changes should not be returned as follows:


We thank you for your understanding and are available to answer any questions through the contact channels.