Crimes in rural settlements

to register or not to register?




Settled people, Rational choice, Police reports, Crimes


This study sought to understand why residents of rural settlements in the municipality of Água Boa/MT tend not to registrar police reports. Based on the theory of rational choice, we defend the hypothesis that the settlement individual makes a rational calculation to determine their actions of registering or not criminal occurrences, which includes variables such as the geographical location of the settlements, the type of crime of which the individual was a victim, and their social position in the settlement, as possible reasons of why these individuals register or not police reports. Regarding the methodological procedure, secondary data were used by collecting information in the public agencies of Incra, the municipal police station, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, and The Municipality of Água Boa to analyze the documents and information of the systems of police reports. The primary data was acquired from field research with 67 structured interviews with the settlement individuals. The results showed that the closer the settlements were to Água Boa, the more individuals registered police reports. The findings pointed to most criminal facts in the settlements being thefts, threats, and property damage and that in more structured settlements, there is a greater tendency for individuals to register crimes. It is possible to conclude that the determinants that motivate the individual to register or not register crimes depend on personal assessments and the perception of the severity of the criminal or violent occurrence by calculating the cost and benefit of registering the police report.


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Author Biographies

Aurelio Mendanha da Silva, Mato Grosso State Government

Master in Sociology - UFMT (2019); Postgraduate degree in Public Management - UNOPAR (2017); Postgraduate degree in People Management - Catholic Faculty of Anápolis (2012); Graduated in Administration - Faculdades Alfredo Nasser (2009); Technician in Occupational Safety - SENAC (2010); Civil Judicial Police Server in MT. He was a professor in the areas of Administration and Work Safety at SENAC (GO).

André Luís Ribeiro Lacerda, Federal University of Mato Grosso

Biosociologist and psychologist, works mainly in the areas of economic and organizational sociology, biosociology of beliefs, group strategies. Professor of the master's program in Sociology at UFMT.


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How to Cite

MENDANHA DA SILVA, Aurelio; RIBEIRO LACERDA, André Luís. Crimes in rural settlements: to register or not to register?. Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 2, p. 124–141, 2023. DOI: 10.31060/rbsp.2023.v17.n2.1557. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.